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Life at Saint Bede's isn't simply about being the ‘BEST YOU CAN BEDE’ in lessons, it's about making the most of the great opportunities that are on offer through our extra-curricular programme. At Saint Bede's we offer enormous choice and opportunity for our pupils to develop their talents, skills and interests outside the classroom.  There are many opportunities for students to excel in sports teams, performing arts and to join a host of clubs and activities. 

Getting involved in wider aspect of school-life not only widens their interests but enables them to meet new people and gain new experiences.  Some of these areas are open to the whole school and provide an excellent way for pupils of all ages and interests to learn and contribute together; others are specific to the different year groups, making it easier to offer age-appropriate opportunities at a range of ability levels.


Use your talents to support worship and the prayer life of the school. 

Chaplaincy clubs and activities include



Laudato Si Group

CAFOD and Fairtrade

Respect Ambassadors



At various times throughout the day, singing and playing can be heard from the Music room or one of our practice rooms.  This could be the harmonious sounds of the Saint Bede Singers or pupils honing their instrumental skills or simply having a ‘jamming session’ with friends. 

If you already play an instrument or would like to learn for the first time, subsidised tuition through the Lancashire Schools’ Music Service is available in the following instruments: trumpet, cornet, trombone, clarinet, flute, saxophone, electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, piano and keyboard.

Music clubs and activities include:

Saint Bede’s Music Centre

Lytham Youth Choir

Saint Bede’s Singers

Music Theory

Instrumental Lessons

Singing Lessons

Stars in their Eyes



Throughout the year, there are numerous opportunities for pupils to showcase their performing skills to parents and peers. In recent years, these have included: Year 7 Performing Arts Evening ( an occasion where our newest members of the school are invited to perform, recite, dance, play and sing for an early evening café style audience); ‘Dance Off’ with GCSE students leading rehearsals and choreographing the routines; ‘Battle of the Bands’ and school productions to name but a few.

Pupils can choose to refine their skills further with Miss McGregor -  our peripatetic LAMDA teacher who offers lesson in Musical Theatre, Verse and Prose, Acting and Public Speaking. If you would like some more information about any of these session, please contact Mrs King, Head of Performing Arts.

Performing arts clubs and activities include:

Key Stage 3 Drama Club

Key Stage 4 Drama Club

Dance Club


Year 7 Performing Arts Evening

School Production


At Saint Bede’s we seek to instil a lifelong love of sport and fitness by offering choice and opportunity across all abilities and all year groups. Every pupil, regardless of ability, is supported and encouraged to pursue their sporting passions – whatever they may be – and to take part individually or to represent school teams.

The P.E Department publish a separate programme of activities which changes on a half-termly or termly basis as some sports are seasonal.  The vast majority of the winter sports run from September to Easter, while summer sports run from Easter until the end of the school year.

Sports clubs and activities include:







Table Tennis










Variety is celebrated across the clubs and activities on offer at Saint Bede’s with something for everyone. From budding scientists to historians, linguists to gardeners, film buffs to young artists, chess masters to debaters – we’ve got it covered. And if there isn’t a club for you then start up your own!

Clubs and activities include:

Science Club

Numbers Up Club

Scrabble Club

Key Stage 3 Book Club

Key Stage 4 Book Club

Creative Writing Club

Art Club

Chess Club


Latin Masterclass

History Newsletter

IN Club (Learning Support)

Details about the times that clubs take place are published on our weekly Pupil Bulletin.


The school offers an opportunity for pupils in Year 10 to gain their Duke of Edinburgh Award by providing evidence of completing challenges in: Volunteering, Skills, Physical Recreation and Expeditions.

Saint Bede’s has a number of trained staff and a number of able and willing volunteers who support the students in the Award.  We offer the Bronze Award to students in Year 10 and the Silver Award to students in Year 11.  Students who have completed the sections of the Bronze Award and wish to continue onto the Silver can do so whilst still in Year 10 to minimise disruption to their studies.  

In previous years have seen nearly 140 students participate in the Bronze Award.  The current academic year sees nearly 80 students signed up for the Bronze Award and a further 30 students signed up to participate in this year’s Silver Award.