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Report an Absence

Report My Child Absent

If you need to report your child absent from school due to illness or another unforeseen circumstance, please complete the form via the link below by 8.30am on the day of absence.

Report My Child Absent – Please Click Here

Please complete the form for each day your child is absent. Should you need to report the absence of more than one child, please complete the form separately for each child.

We understand that it can be difficult for parents and carers to decide whether or not their child is too ill to attend school. The NHS has produced some helpful guidance to support you in making this judgement. Before reporting your child absent, please read this guidance via the link below to ensure it is necessary for your child to remain at home.

NHS Guidance – Is my child too ill for school?

Leave of Absence

By law, schools cannot grant any leave during term time other than in exceptional circumstances. Further details are available in our Attendance Policy.

If you would like to request a leave of absence for your child due to an exceptional circumstance, please complete the application form which can be downloaded below. Alternatively, your child may collect a paper copy from the Pastoral Office in the Drake Building. Please ensure your application explains fully why the circumstances are exceptional. Please note that parental work patterns or the cost of holidays during term time cannot be considered exceptional circumstances.

Completed forms should be returned to, or alternatively can be delivered to the Pastoral Office by your child.