Catholic Ethos
As a Catholic school, our aim to inspire pupils with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ is at the heart of all we do. This aim is embodied and exemplified in our philosophy of ‘Being a Bede’. All pupils are encouraged to follow the ‘Bede Wheel’ and to develop as individuals through their ‘Actions’ and their ‘Character’. The Bede Wheel follows closely the characteristics of Catholic teaching and pupils who demonstrate the qualities outlined in the categories on the ‘Bede Wheel’ are rewarded throughout the year. These pupils will know, understand and exemplify what it means to ‘Be a Bede’.
From the point when Year 6 pupils visit Saint Bede’s for the first time, our Chaplaincy team provide opportunities to promote the teachings of Christ in a relevant and meaningful way, encouraging the involvement and participation of staff and pupils in the liturgical life of the school and the feeder parishes.
We inspire and foster solidarity with others; instil a respect for human life: celebrate the value of family and community and strive to be good stewards of creation.
A programme of daily prayer and liturgy for forms and year groups is organised and prepared by the Chaplains as well as whole-school celebrations. Our school community also celebrates God’s unconditional love through opportunities to share Gospel values through: fundraising for a range of charities chosen by the pupils; campaigning for peace and justice and participating in projects to meet the needs of the vulnerable and disadvantaged people in our local community and beyond.