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School Day & Term Dates

School opening times

The school is open from 8.00 am until 5.30 pm (Monday to Friday).

School Timetable

Monday to Friday
Registration* 8.45 - 9.05 am One year group assembly and registration in Hall
Lesson 1 9.05 - 10:05 am  
Lesson 2 10.05 - 11.05 am  
BREAK 11.05 - 11.25 am  
Lesson 3 11.25 am - 12.25 pm  
LUNCH 12.25 pm - 13.15 pm  
Lesson 4 13.15 pm - 14.15 pm Registration
Lesson 5 14.15 - 15.15 pm  
End of School Day 15:15 pm  


Wednesday (Weeks A and B)
School Starts* 8.45 am  
Registration 8.45 - 9.05 am One year group assembly and registration in Hall
Lesson 1 9.05 - 9:55 am  
Lesson 2 9:55 - 10:45 am  
BREAK 10:45 - 11:05 am  
Lesson 3 11:05 - 11:55 am  
Lesson 4 11:55 - 12:45 pm  
LUNCH 12:45 - 13:35 pm  
Lesson 5 13;35 - 14:25 pm PSHCE
Lesson 6 14:25 - 15:15 pm  
End of School Day 15:15 pm  


Pupil Holiday Pattern April 2024 - July 2025

Summer Term 2024

Re-open on  Monday 15th April 2024
May Day Closure Monday 6th May
Mid Term Closure Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May (inclusive)
Closure after school on Friday 19th July
Number of openings  64


Autumn Term 2024  
Re-open for Year 7 only Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Re-open for Years 8-11 Wednesday 4th September 
Half-term Closure Thursday 17th October - Monday 28th October (inclusive)
Closure after school on  Friday 20th December


Spring  Term 2025  
Re-opens for lessons for all year groups Monday 6th January 2025
Half-term closure Monday 17th - Friday 21st February (inclusive)
Closure after school on  Friday 11th April


Summer Term 2025  
Re-opens for lessons for all year groups Monday 28th April 2025
May Day closure Monday 5th May
Half-term closure Monday 26th - Friday 30th May (inclusive)
Closure after school on  Friday 18th July (1pm)



Autumn Term 2025  
Re-open for Year 7 only Monday 1st September 2025
Re-open for Years 8-11 Tuesday 2nd September 
Half-term Closure Thursday 23rd October - Friday 31st October (inclusive)
Closure after school on  Friday 19th December (1pm)



Spring  Term 2026  
Re-opens for lessons for all year groups Tuesday 6th January 2026
Half-term closure Monday 16th - Friday 20th February (inclusive)
Closure after school on  Thursday 2nd April (1pm)



Summer Term 2026  
Re-opens for lessons for all year groups Monday 20th April 2026
May Day closure Monday 4th May
Half-term closure Monday 25th - Friday 29th May (inclusive)
Closure after school on  Friday 17th July (1pm)